Format of study
Language of study
July 8−14, 2024
Theoretical knowledge and practical skills in green manufacturing and resource efficiency; portfolio with cases from Russian companies; 3 ECTS, official ITMO certificate
Application deadline
June 20, 2024
25,000 RUB

Program description

This summer course focuses on greening manufacturing approaches through resource efficiency, circular and bioeconomy pathways, and their environmental implications in industrial and urban settings. Students will learn about improving resource efficiency using machine learning, AI, life cycle assessment, and environmental design. The course includes working on real-world cases from industrial partners, developing personal projects, attending workshops by experts, and receiving consultations from ITMO professors. This program equips students with practical skills and knowledge essential for addressing environmental challenges in manufacturing and urban environments.

What you get

Official ITMO certificate, 3 ECTS
Enrollment in the Industrial Ecology Master’s program without exams if the course is successfully completed
Practical skills in AI and ML to improve resource efficiency
Extensive experience in solving real environmental problems based on cases from partner companies
Ability to effectively address environmental challenges in manufacturing and urban environments, using ecodesign, LCA, etc.
Consultations and assistance from ITMO professors
Becoming a well-equipped specialist who can contribute to sustainable practices and solutions in career
Boosting soft skills for industrial ecology
International networking
Skills you'll learn
Every day students acquire a new skill essential for industrial ecologists
Hard skills
  • Understanding of greening manufacturing approaches
  • Proficiency in resource efficiency strategies
  • Application of ML and AI for improving resource efficiency
  • Competence in life cycle assessment techniques
  • Experience in working on real-world cases from industrial partners
Soft skills
  • Career Search
  • Pitching
  • Presentation
  • Research
  • Sustainability Mindset
  • International Communication

Who can apply?

 Schools ITMO. CAMP IN COMPETITIVE PROGRAMMING. Working on project. Coding
  • Bachelor’s (3rd year and above), Master’s, PhD students, and junior specialists in the field of industrial ecology
  • Applicants should be proficient in the English language (B1 and higher)
 Schools ITMO. CAMP IN COMPETITIVE PROGRAMMING. Working on project. Coding


Application documents

  • A scanned copy of your passport (ID)
  • CV

Our speakers

Why choose ITMO?

Schools ITMO. St. Petersburg. ITMO University
Schools ITMO. St. Petersburg. ITMO University
  • One of the world's top 100 universities (#79) in Computer Science according to QS WUR

  • ITMO is the world’s only 7-time winner of the global programming contest ICPC
  • 359th in QS World University Rankings
  • Ranked 7th among Russian universities by Forbes University Ranking
  • 45+ partner universities around the world
Student feedback
Mina Hakim (Egypt)
Graduate of the Industrial Ecology Master’s program, class of 2023
In Open Doors I selected chemistry because my program — Industrial Ecology — is a part of the Faculty of Biotechnologies (now the Faculty of Ecotechnologies) and chemistry is a vital subject in this field. My project is also related to this field. I am working on methods of mitigating carbon dioxide emissions. In the framework of our course, we study various chemicals that pollute the environment. We are also taught about several organic and inorganic materials that can be used to purify the environment.

My project is focused on developing sustainable strategies to reduce carbon emissions. This is the need of the hour due to the rapidly increasing amount of greenhouse gases in the environment. I am investigating materials that might be able to efficiently absorb carbon dioxide from the air.

I really liked the concept of ITMO’s Buddy System. My buddy is a really helpful person. Having a local buddy is always so good. It helps international students to settle down better in a new country.
Carl Hakim (Egypt)
Graduate of the Industrial Ecology Master’s program, class of 2023
I was surprised to see that everyone at ITMO is good at English. When I came here, I was not very fluent in English but I received a lot of support from ITMO. I am also learning Russian, a completely new language, but again, with everyone’s help, I am able to achieve my goals faster. That’s the beauty of ITMO. Everyone is so helpful and cooperative. I also appreciate the opportunities provided to students here.

My project revolves around transforming the landfill of Noviy Svet-Eco LLC. The main aim is to promote environmental protection, economic growth, and social equity by transforming the landfill site into a new sustainable eco-techno park. Based on my detailed analysis and literature review, I made a design including a 3D simulation and detailed studies of possible features of the new design to promote energy efficiency, water efficiency, the use of eco-friendly materials, innovation in design, etc. Also, I am aiming to obtain the SITES sustainable landscape environmental certification for my project.

I chose Industrial Ecology because it has majors within it that I wanted to study. I was looking for an urban ecology or environmental design major and found it in industrial ecology with great topics and subjects! I studied in the specialization of Environmental Design, in this program it was interesting for me to get useful knowledge on how to create and certify eco-friendly products, understanding a product’s entire life cycle to minimize environmental harm from start to finish. The program was interesting for me because it offers enormous contributions towards building a greener future!

I would like to continue studying at ITMO. I have already won the Open Doors scholarship for my PhD. And since I have already started working on my project at ITMO, it made no sense to go to a different university.
Sofya Kotselyabina (Russia)
Graduate of the Industrial Ecology Master’s program, class of 2023
I treated the program as a chance to expand and grow my competences. I enjoyed studying as it was up-to-date and practice-oriented. We had plenty of practical and lab classes during which we worked on real-world cases. Students could also combine work and studies, which is definitely an advantage.
Nadezhda Dmukh (Russia)
Graduate of the Industrial Ecology Master’s program, class of 2023
What I loved most about the Faculty of Ecotechnologies was its educational approach and lecturers. From the very first months, I got interested in all the courses we had; I enjoyed working on applied projects instead of only cramming theory. I learned about environmental documentation, the standards and methods used for both monitoring and assessment. In the middle of the first year, we were to choose our future specializations. I opted for Environmental Design and did not regret it. As an environmental design specialist, I learned about life cycle assessment and did my first-ever internship at the company Prostoe Delo. I also want to note that the university is greatly engaged in students' development. ITMO regularly hosts different meetups, events, and projects everyone can take part in. It also doesn’t forget about the technological aspect: the university’s labs are equipped with up-to-date equipment. These two years were great, so I decided to stay in academia and pursue my PhD. My decision was fully supported by my lecturers.

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